The Gospel Music Honors, founded in 1996 by Larry W Robinson, is an awards celebration designed to honor local citizens in various communities for their contributions to the preservation of the message and presentation methods of Gospel music.
The Gospel Music Honors mission is to create endeavors and opportunities to promote and preserve the message and diverse styles of Gospel Music so that future generations may enjoy and appreciate its legacy.
Larry W. Robinson is a speaker & media personality whose mission; through media interviews, lectures, conferences, webinars, tele-seminars, and online products and programs, is to connect you with the People, Places & Ideas that empower you to live a Purposeful, Productive & Prosperous Life.
Larry has over 20 years of broadcast experience. He currently has a syndicated radio feature airing on more than 450 radio stations across the United States, in South Africa and London England and abroad. Larry is the author of two published books and 10 digital books. Visit http://www.amazon.com/Larry-W.-Robinson/e/B00ICURUNK/ to view his Amazon author’s page. Larry is the publisher of Gospel Updates eMagazine. Click http://www.gospelupdates.com to download the current issue. He is also a worship leader. Visit http://www.worshipleadersroundtable.com to view his web cast dedicated to worship leaders.